Translated by Christina Holm Nielsen

Year 1989 1999 2001 2002 2003

Diagnosed with testicular cancer, after finding a sore lump in my left testicle. 

CT-scan showed a tumor in abdominal cavity. 

Surgery, left testicle removed. Chemo-therapy,

4x1 week of Cisplatin, VP-16 and Bleomycin. 

After 4th Chemotreat- ment I was declared well.


This time in the back part of my abdominal cavity.

Chemo- therapy,
2x1 week Cisplatin, VP-16 and Bleomycin.
Isfosfamid in connection with highdose treatment.

Highdose treatment where stemcells in my spinal bonemarrow were changed. After the 1st highdose treatment, which almost killed me, I rejected having the other one. 

Surgery in Abdominal cavity.

After surgery I was declared well.


New relapse.
Chemo-therapy with Taxol, Bleomycin.
Afterwards treated with Vepisid.


Yet another relapse.
This time also in the back part of my abdominal cavity. 

Another surgery in the abdominal cavity. Chemo-therapy, Topetecan.

Ambulant for 5 days.


After a few controls, a Pet-Ct scan showed a few additional tumors in my left lung and that there still was a tumor in my abdominal cavity. 

The tumor in my abdominal cavity was removed surgically. 

To fight the tumors in my lungs I receive ambulant chemo-therapy, Doxorubicin (Adriamycin

After treatment with Adrimycin I get a new treatment with Temodal.

Additional medecin Zofran, temesta, Zofran, temesta Zofran, Premesolon Zofran, Premesolon
Click to enlarge surgery fotos operation060203.jpg (45476 byte) Operation 2003
 in Abdominal cavity.
ar02.JPG (4862 byte)ar99.JPG (5066 byte) lunge-rogen.jpg (18588 byte) X-ray of my lungs in the left side you see  a Vital-Port  implanted where I get  Chemo-therapy through.